Local Missions

Local missions are about sharing hope, meeting needs, and building real connections in our community. We aim to create moments where you can show Jesus’ love by meeting people where they are. These experiences impact everyone involved—those we serve and those who serve.


God uses His people to share the gospel message to our community.  It's easier than you think! Training opportunities are offered regularly.
"Jesus said to them, '
Follow me, and I will make you become fishers of men,'" Mark 1:17.



Food Pantry

Our Food Pantry distributes food and household items to Allen, Fairview, and Lucas residents who lack the resources to maintain a healthy life.  




One-time emergency assistance is offered, with continued service provided upon proof of residency and income.

This is a "choice pantry" versus a "pre-bagged pantry" to meet an individual's nutritional needs and provide the foods they enjoy.

Hours of Operation:
Sunday 4:00-5:30 p.m.
Tuesday 10:00-11:30 a.m. 
Wednesday 6:00-7:30 p.m.
(The Food Pantry may close around certain holidays. Call 972.727.8241 to verify opening during holiday seasons.)

Location: Building D - corner of Cedar Street and McDermott Drive. (map)


We serve Christ by assisting international brothers and sisters adjusting to life in the United States. 





Here are a few opportunities available for our International Friends:


Capilla de Fe (Spanish): [Sundays | Main Street Building (map) | 10a] This mission, led by Ted Lindwall and Francisco Zapuche, averages 40 per week. Learn more: Capilla de Fe
Esta misión, dirigidapor Ted Lindwall y Francisco Zapuche, tiene un promedio de 40 participantes Epor semana. Aprende más: Capilla de Fe

Eastview Church (Vietnamese): [Sundays | C205 (map) | 10:30a] Our Vietnamese partnership, led by Pastor Vince Vo, averages 40 per week. Vietnamese language classes are also offered. Learn more: Eastview
Hội Thánh Việt Nam Eastview chúng tôi, do Mục sư Vince Vo quản nhiệm, trung bình 40 mỗi tuần. Có Lớp Việt Ngữ. Tìm hiểu thêm

Trinity Chinese Church (Chinese): [Sundays | Main Street Building (map) | 10:30a] Our Chinese partnership is led by Pastor Peter Fu. Learn more: Trinity Chinese Church
我们的中国伙伴关系由傅彼得牧师领导。 了解更多:三一华人教会

Cornerstone Korean Baptist Church (Korean): [Sundays | Main Street Building (map) | 10:30a] Our Korean partnership is led by Pastor Haedo Son. Learn more: Cornerstone Korean Baptist Church
우리의 한국 파트너십은 손해도 목사님이 이끌고 있습니다. 더 알아보기: Cornerstone Korean Baptist Church


We help residents of local senior communities continue to live out a life of worship and adoration to our Lord by providing worship services in their living communities.





We bring Sunday worship, hymns, and Christ’s love to residents in senior living centers who can’t attend church. Our teams include a teacher, music leader, and greeter, each preparing a Bible-based message. Volunteers serve one Sunday every 4-5 weeks.


We are reaching out to homebound adults who can no longer attend church. We regularly provide a hug, a smile, and a warm conversation. 





Volunteers help keep in touch with our homebound members. These are usually older adults who can no longer attend church for various reasons. Some cannot walk or sit for long periods or may be confined to a wheelchair. Many of our homebound live in their own homes. Some live with family, while others live in senior living centers. These members are an essential part of our church family. Now is the time to show appreciation to those who can no longer serve by serving them. 


On Sunday mornings and Wednesday evenings, we offer transportation for local senior living community members to join us for worship and small group fellowship. Volunteer drivers and assistants serve every 4-5 weeks.

We’re also growing a network of volunteers to help with transportation to medical appointments during the week.



Sundays: We pick up riders around 8:30a and arrive at church at 8:45a. After services, we leave the church at 11:45a.

Bus Stops:
Allen: Parkview, Discovery Village, and Alexis Estates
McKinney: Grand Reserve,  Grand Texan, and Country Lane 

We are building a list of volunteer drivers you can contact to arrange a ride for you. If you need a ride, don't hesitate to contact Susie Friemel. 

SPECIAL FRIENDS parents' night out

Children are a blessing and a heritage from the Lord. Parents Night Out provides care, friendship, and guided activities for grade-school-age children and their siblings free of charge so their parents and caregivers can enjoy a night out.




Whenever disaster strikes, or there is a need, our chainsaw team shares God's love through service by providing free tree-cutting services to those in need within our community. 





Our team is available one day per month to those within our community who cannot afford these services. This is a team of volunteers, and we do not carry any insurance against property damage. Contact the Church Office to learn more.

Backpacks for Kids

Bags filled with nutritious, kid-friendly foods for the weekend are provided to local elementary school children identified as "food insecure." 





Please get in touch with your school counselor or nurse if you want more information about this program.