Saturday, March 15, 2025, 8:00 AM - Thursday, March 20, 2025, 8:00 PM
In March of 2025 we have the opportunity to see and minister in the church and compassion center that our church built. We will be traveling to Piura, Peru to see the center and the church, learn about its outreach and ministries, we will worship with the church there and we will be a part of home visits and ministry in the center. For those who are sponsoring a child in this compassion center, you will have the opportunity to meet your sponsored child. The estimated cost is $3000 (subject to change). There will be two interest meetings for those who would like to learn more about our trip. Details on those informational meetings is coming soon. This trip is open to individuals 16 years old and up (under 18 a parent must travel with their child). There is a minimum of 15 trip participants required in order for the trip to happen with a maximum of 20.